Mobile Auto Glass Replacement in Gary, IN

Mobile Auto Glass Replacement in Gary, IN

We are proud to be one of the leading auto glass replacement companies in the Lake County area!  If you have a need for auto glass replacement Gary, IN, feel free to contact us anytime for a free quote!  This article is meant to help our loyal customers find the best mobile auto glass replacement Gary, IN and help address some common questions about the repair process.  If you have any additional questions that are not addressed in the article feel free to contact us anytime for mobile windshield replacement Gary, IN.

Q: Do I need to contact my insurance company?

A: Although this is ultimately your decision, the mobile auto glass replacement in Gary, IN is typically cheaper than an insurance deductible.  That being said, if you put in a claim you will likely see a rate increase, so if you have a question about cost, feel free to contact us for a FREE quote.

Q: How long will the repairs take?

A: Most mobile windshield replacement jobs take about an hour from the time we arrive.  There are a few different factors, but this is typical of most repair and replacement tasks.

Q: Will I be able to drive my car that day?

A: Yes!  Windshield replacement Gary, IN will take a few days to properly cure, but you will be able to operate your vehicle during that time.  We will give you detailed instructions on how to properly care for your new windshield or auto glass.

Q: Will you come to my work?

A: If your employer is alright with us doing the work on premise we will absolutely come to your place of employment to complete windshield replacement in Gary, IN or anywhere else in the Lake county vicinity.

We hope that these basic Q and A will help in your search for Mobile Auto Glass Replacement Gary, IN.  We understand that often times people have not experienced the need to replacement their auto glass, so if we can help to address any questions about cost or the process, feel free to contact us anytime.

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